Milbrand Cinema

Video Stock Footage – Making Your Shots Pay the Mortgage

The video grab above was captured in Roatan, Honduras.  Although I anticipated seeing dolphins on this dive, this moment of mutual breath holding was special.  Who would exhale first, myself or the dolphin?  The connection between my lens and the animal stays with me, this moment in time is something I can share with the …

Video Stock Footage – Making Your Shots Pay the Mortgage Read More »

Giant Screen Cinema Association membership

Lance Milbrand joined the Giant Screen Cinema Association (GSCA) in 2015. This organization assists filmmakers and theaters in the technical production of giant screen movies. A giant screen movie is an experience that immerses an audience, bringing them right into the storytelling, almost becoming part of the action. These screens must be at least 70 …

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National Television Broadcasts to the Backyard

Milbrand Cinema recently sold two end segments to CBS Sunday Morning News. Its always fun to know that millions of people relaxing on a Sunday morning start their day by watching quality news and then wait for their “Moment In Nature.” These end segments capture a season, a location and usually an animal living its …

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In Celebration of Valentine\’s Day, February 2015

CBS Sunday Morning sent me a quarry and was looking for wolf or swan video to highlight their Sunday LOVE program for Valentine’s Day.  I had neither sequence in my library but sent them pics of local damselflies from Pinnacles National Park.  They purchased the damselfly video for their “Moment in Nature” sequence at the …

In Celebration of Valentine\’s Day, February 2015 Read More »

The Story of the Tarantula and the Tarantula Hawk Wasp

THIS Event during the Summer Belongs on Halloween! The Story of the Tarantula and the Tarantula Hawk Wasp All of the images were captured with my video camera. A tarantula hawk wasp feeding along the top of a milkweed plant. IMAGINE – You belong to the arthropod family; you are an eight-legged, furry tarantula and …

The Story of the Tarantula and the Tarantula Hawk Wasp Read More »

Saving A Threatened Species, One Fish at a Time

Ever since I worked on my steelhead movie for NOAA, NMFS in Long Beach, I have been fascinated with the California creek ecosystem and steelhead trout. Steelhead, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) could tell a very interesting story about their life, if only they could talk. Adults deposit eggs and milt in gravel within creeks and rivers that …

Saving A Threatened Species, One Fish at a Time Read More »

Steelhead Project – Aquarium of the Pacific

Milbrand Cinema recently sold steelhead trout stock footage to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. The aquarium created an outdoor exhibit complete with a running creek and alder trees. Steelhead are extremely rare in Southern California and Milbrand Cinema once created a series of steelhead movies for public outreach for the National Marine …

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CBS Sunday Morning – Moment In Nature Segment – May 2014

Lance Milbrand continues his long tradition of selling Moment In Nature end-segments to CBS Sunday Morning. In May the segment with harbor seal mothers and their pups as well as a sea otter mother and her pup was aired on Mothers Day 2014. It\’s rare to capture two species of mothers with their young in …

CBS Sunday Morning – Moment In Nature Segment – May 2014 Read More »

Nix Nature Center Three-Screen Project in Orange County, California

In 2013, Milbrand Cinema was hired by the County of Orange, OC Parks to create a unique project for their 6,000-acre Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. Three large video screens play simultaneously and each screen has a different visual pertaining to the parks seasons and the regions flora, fauna and remarkable geology. The new movie was …

Nix Nature Center Three-Screen Project in Orange County, California Read More »