Milbrand Cinema

Professional Video Production

With Milbrand Cinema you get a producer, scriptwriter, director, cameraman, editor, and
motion picture storyteller.

  • Trusted

  • Experienced

  • Professional

lance milbrand

What we do

When creating a wildlife or corporate movie, Milbrand Cinema is designing a film for a specific audience, a museum or interpretative center. For example, when we work in Orange County, California, it’s home to 3.1 million people. Many Orange County residents enjoy nature walks and we work closely with regional parks to script a story that would be in line with their mission statement. Our most recent project for OC Parks, Newport Our Bay was created in both English and Spanish languages and includes subtitles for the hearing impaired.  To learn more about this project, please visit the News & Blog posts below.

Producing a typical wildlife or corporate movie requires several components:

Monarch Butterfly Milbrand Cinema

The Creative Process

  • Research the subject area.
  • Create a list of animals and plants, our target objectives.
  • Create a draft script to share with prospective clients.
  • Determine the best weather window for working outdoors.


  • Secure the contract with a realistic budget.
  • Secure video shooting permits.
  • Plan logistics and travel dates.
  • Plan shooting dates.
AAA Blue Hole Dive Team


  • Crew and equipment on location.
  • Review low-resolution footage with clients.
  • Adjust the script as footage is captured to craft the story.
  • Download footage each night.


  • Editing, color grading, music composition and audio mix.
  • Finalize the script.
  • Conduct narrator tryouts and hire a narrator.
  • Final deliverables are presented on time and on budget.
AAA The Post Production Process

Have a video project you would like to discuss? Let's talk.


What My Clients Say!

Lance is an amazing cinematographer who has provided us with the highest quality video for our nature segments over the years. Always going the extra mile to capture beauty and beast...Lance is a go to provider when I need something specific. From Yosemite at sunset to otters at first light, From kelp forests filled with fish to dolphins dancing underwater - every shot exceeding the next. Lance is always up for any challenge and has been nothing but professional in every endeavor. After years of submissions, I am honored to not only recommend Lance as a first-rate cinematographer but to also call him a friend.

David Bhagat

CBS Sunday Morning
Supervising Editor / Nature Producer

Lance was a pleasure to work with and our film came out great.  He was able to edit the film with both English and Spanish narration and provide versions with bilingual subtitles. We faced some pandemic related constraints that he was able to successfully navigate.

He took the time to listen to all the project stakeholders and give us exactly what we wanted
within our original budget.

Derrick Ankerstar

Supervising Park Ranger II,
North Coastal Operations,
OC Parks

Lance is a professional filmmaker whose dedication to and passion for his work is unparalleled. He will haul his very high quality and heavy equipment to the ends of the earth and the depth of the ocean to get that one breathtaking shot at great physical, emotional, and financial cost to him. He will spend untold hours editing and getting the footage just right and paired perfectly with music. His love for his craft never ceases to amaze and inspire me.

Sonya Kleshik

Professional Artist,

News, Blog & Short Video’s

News & Blog

Nix Nature Center Three-Screen Project in Orange County, California

By Milbrand Cinema | May 29, 2014

In 2013, Milbrand Cinema was hired by the County of Orange, OC Parks to create a unique project for their 6,000-acre Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. Three large video screens play simultaneously and each screen has a different visual pertaining to the parks seasons and the regions flora, fauna and remarkable geology. The new movie was …

Nix Nature Center Three-Screen Project in Orange County, California Read More »

A Study of Patience with Nature – Camera Trapping

By Milbrand Cinema | December 14, 2012

In simple terms, a camera trap is a way to see into the secret world of animals without being there when the picture is taken. Historically, camera traps were developed to assist hunters in following their game and provide information when an animal would be at a certain location. Today more and more people (like …

A Study of Patience with Nature – Camera Trapping Read More »

Pileated Woodpecker - Photo by Josh Laymon


By Milbrand Cinema | October 19, 2012

Almost beyond description is how I characterize the sound. Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom that resonates down the hills like a jackhammer. It calls me to come and find its source but the hills are steep and the trees are so thick at the top, only the pounding of beak on wood is heard, …